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October 22, 1950 - Combat Air Patrol
Mission #20 (of 20) of "Screaming Eagles Over Korea -,49345.0.html
Campaign Hints - Some missions will not let you be flight leader, wingman or element leader, or change load out. For hard core players, don't change your assigned slot or loadout because the mission will start with your plane blowing up.
Taxiing to the catapult is very difficult. It's best to hit autopilot and then turn it off once you're on the cat. If you do taxi and park perfectly, you may not know you're on the cat, there is no msg to let you know, so if you remove chocks to move again, it will launch you, possibly with wings folded and engine at idle.
Air boss will tell you that you are clear to land and another aircraft might be right under, next to or above you, landing. Make sure you know where everyone is because they will land on/with you if you aren't careful.
I can't recall a single time I landed and got the 'mission accomplished' msg, which was very annoying. I had to 'quit' the mission, which counts as losing the aircraft and halves the mission score.
Have fun!