FCRD NCS22 v1 V1 Fix

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Awesome!!! Thank you!!!!!!
This mod is amazing, obviously there are some many other things to complete and fix, but for now this mod its really good and well made
Great job everyone who worked on this! Myself & I am sure many others are very excited for this mod & thankful for all of you who made it happen!

Did have issues with the game crashing when selecting to drive the car but I
turned off shadows on cars from structures which was recommended by full circle on their twitter & it now works for me.
To Everyone involved in making this mod...THANK YOU!!!!!
I love the mod, great work on it.
Amazing work!
Thank You!
Merveilleux! que dire de plus...
HUGE props to the FCRD Team for this mod....just amazing work. Thank you so much!
Imcreible trabajo!!!
WTG guys. Heck of a job.
thanks for the great mod!
INCREDIBLE MOD!!! Cars look awesome, damage model is great, and the base schemes are gorgeous! My only complaint is that the game crashes somewhat often, so I hope this issue gets resolved as updates are released.

Thank you Full Circle Racing Designs for helping to keep
the NR2003 community alive 19 years later!
Thanks so much to all involved for this mod !! Its really appreciated !
Fantastic. Thank you.
excellent job
Incredible work!
Amazing! Glad to have worked on this mod with you guys
To Thomas, and the entire team that have worked in this mod and anything involving it, thank you. You guys are keeping this community active, and keeping our 19 year old game modern. After the entire leak scandal you could have pulled the plug and kept this mod private, but you didn't. And we are all grateful for your months of hard work with how little reference material you had.
Awesome job!!!!!!!!!!!
A mod with enough hype to crash stunod, eh? Gotta be a pretty good mod.
LETS GOOO! A brand new era begins for the NR2003 community with this great mod, fantastic job on it!
Excellent mod! Thank you so much for your hard work! (If anyones game crashes, turn off "Shadows On Cars from Other Cars")
Thank you guys so much for this Mod for real