1987 ASA//SCC/ACT/All-Pro carset

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Nov 7, 2020
I'm primarily using the 1980s and 1990s repositories made by DrNoise and CC#48. The few not on either sheet had to be remade from scratch and they're the ones below to the left. I made the Skoal one also from scratch for some of the All-Pro cars that used it instead of the traditional circular yellow one, and is accurate for 1987.

Senza nome.png


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Nov 7, 2020
A rare white Superflo #17 Camaro driven by Darrell Waltrip early in 1987 in a few All-Pro events, as well as in the Winston All-American Challenge Series.
Accompanied by the #11 Firebird of Billy McGinnis, a part timer that also competed in both.

AACS is another one of those obscure championships from the 1980s not many people know about, even though it was an official NASCAR-sanctioned division.
Material on this series is virtually non-existent aside from some rare non-grainy and non-black & white photos, thus only these two schemes will be included, from the World Crown 200.

DW would carry on with the same scheme in All-Pro as well (contigs and all) and only switched to his famous Tide scheme for ASA, while McGinnis is listed as having used #111 instead of #11 for his sporadic All-Pro races, however no photos of such scheme exist.
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Nov 7, 2020
Small correction, the Buick had a few missing contigs that I couldn't ID, but since last night I was able to find another photo that was less grainy, thus allowing me to update the scheme.
I'll leave the other screenshot up just in case somebody wants to compare the two for whatever reason.
Only this one will make it into the carset however, as David Green had just one start in ASA in 1987 and this is essentially the same car.

As a small sidenote, while Goodyear was the official tire supplier of pretty much every 1980s stock car division worth their salt, some of these cars also had Hoosier contigs on them.
Unlike today you could compete in ASA, ACT, All-Pro, SCC, AACS and at any and all the local short tracks "saturday night"-type events with essentially the same car.
Thus, while it may look amusing to some, having two separate tire suppliers on some cars is an intended addition to the schemes.
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Nov 7, 2020
#32 Camaro of Randy Porter and #62 Firebird of Larry Lancasters.
Everything aside from some contigs from scratch.
Both of them are pretty much gridfillers, they're as accurate as they can get as no detailed photos exist for either.
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As a sidenote, the All-Pro/AACS split is almost done, making up for about 30% or 40% of the total planned carset. Not many cars left to add for this, as material for most of them doesn't exist. ACT is also pretty much done aside from maybe one extra car for the same reason as above. ASA and SCC will be the largest split as it was the original plan for the carset making up for a good 60% total.

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