Is there a way to use exported race results to create driver ratings? Im trying to figure out a way to do this for a carset Im working on that is all fictional drivers.
There is in fact! After calculating ratings based on real world results, you can manually and individually attach a real life driver's calculated ratings to any driver on the roster.
I know it has an option for real race results but I need to sim races in game. Export the results and get ratings based on the results because literally nobody in this car set is a real person.
No, there is currently no option for someone to custom input results to calculate ratings. You're gonna have to do the tried and true method of creating lore for your series and determining how good a driver is based on vibes alone.
I know it has an option for real race results but I need to sim races in game. Export the results and get ratings based on the results because literally nobody in this car set is a real person.
NRatings pulls the data from the Racing Reference site so unless you can get the data into that format and trick NRatings into looking there instead of at the RR site, it's not possible.
I put my formulas into a spreadsheet, then import league driver data and let it populate the spreadsheet. I then have to manually enter all the numbers into each driver.
Are there spreadsheets out there to do that? All I want is way to have something calculate the ratings for me if I enter the race results. Its fine if its a spreadsheet.
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