Year of creation: 2018

Racing sim: NASCAR Racing 2003
Author(s): Jason Skrocki (aka J Rock)
Updates : John Russell (aka Torch-1)
This track edit has been granted the appropriate permissions by the creator for updating
Type: real
AI: Yes
Mod support: CUP,CTS,GNS
Description: 1.5-mile D-shaped Oval
Installation instructions: After downloading file from the website, extract it into the NASCAR Racing 2003 Season\tracks directory.
Known Bugs: None
Credits: Author(s): Jason Skrocki (aka J Rock)
Papyrus for the game and tools.
***************************** UPDATES ARE AS FOLLOWS ***************
Updates were done by John Russell (aka "Torch-1")
1- 3do's and track logos were created by John Russell using graphics from google.
2- Infield and Track logos. to reflect the spring race Folds Of Honor 400 2018.
3- All new softwall logos To reflect the spring race Folds Of Honor 400 2018
4- Billboard Graphics to reflect the spring race 2018
5- Restart Zone 3do and Graphic.To reflect the spring race Folds Of Honor 400 2018
6- New Goodyear Hauler/ Nascar on Fox Hauler/ Chevy Hauler/ Coca Cola / Hauler ISM Hauler.
7- Victory Lane graphics.To reflect the spring race Folds Of Honor 400 2018
8- Monster Energy logos to walls.
9- Video for Small Video Screens that reflect portions of the actual Atlanta Folds Of Honor 2018 spring race.
10- Added new Haulers and Flagger Painted by -(John Norton)
Special Thanks:
Jason Skrocki (aka J Rock) For the wealth of track building knowledge and Help.
Contributing websites:
Distributing websites:
""Public Service Announcement!""
For those people who are looking to make updates on tracks should take the time to learn some useful methods
of the proper way to do your updates. The web can be a valuable resource if you take the time to search out the
best places to gain meaningful techniques that will make a visual and obvious differences in making quality updates.
Below are recommended places to gain the proper knowledge for doing a quality update.
Jason Skrocki aka (JRock) You Tube Channel /
James Musselwhite aka (James76) You Tube Channel /
JSKRock Twitch Channel /